Tuesday, July 03, 2007

warren ellis...

.... has had a link on drphunk's blog for many many moons.
i'm ashamed to say that i've never really checked it out before.

i did this weekend.

god yes.

the three most recent posts:

Fact Of The Day
Frell: not a real word do not use it in the real world you stupid stupid stupid fucking nerd.
You’re welcome.

Warren Ellis: Why, yes, I AM going to be in a foul fucking mood for the rest of the week and possibly the rest of my life. Why do you ask, ARSEGERM?

Warren Ellis: none pub = not enough smoky + no sit drink caffeine til brain worky go = fall over die




Blogger drphunk said...

Warren Ellis should be your hero. Read transmetropolitan. It is a comic but it is good.

ps - Ta for other comment. I'm cool. my parents fly out on holiday from glasgow airport next saturday. all those idiots were doctors. scary and sad.


8:24 pm  
Blogger zoe said...

bizarrely enough, transmetropolitan is on the table next to me, about to be started :)

and scary and sad indeed.

8:54 pm  

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