Tuesday, May 29, 2007


A horde of pirates needed, as ships crew and boarding parties to loot and pillage Camden lock on Saturday 9th June.

You will need:

  • Your own pirate outfit
  • Grog
  • A sense of fun
  • To be able to reliably commit to the event.

  • The climate pirates intend to highlight the injustices of the rich nations plundering the poor. While developed nations (like the UK) emit huge amounts of CO2 the developing nations suffer the consequences (famine, drought, flooding etc).

    The climate pirates will be sailing under a WDM flag, but it will be so much fun that everyone should come. See http://www.wdm.org.uk/campaigns/climate/

    Camden lock is entirely supportive of the event and so (looting and pillaging) aside the day will be a legal and colourful way to make your voice heard. Please come along.

    If you can commit to help out on the day please email Richard:
    emptyhand17 at yahoo.com by Sunday 3rd June.

    If you can’t commit but would like to find out more, then please email me to say you’re interested and we will email round final details nearer the time.

    Tell friends; bring your mum, parrots, pirate songs, people you meet in the street, your own plank, and yourself.

    It’s going to be good!


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